Outside of the aerospace and government defense industries, no manufacturer can afford to maintain a staff of engineers with advanced degrees that are current and expert in all the critical disciplines (mechanical, thermal, fluid and gas dynamics, engineering mechanics, computational mechanics, polymer science, instrumentation, test sensor development and testing sciences). Usually a manufacturer may cover one or two of these bases, but does not have the entire roster filled. Stress Outdoor® has that roster of engineers and a business model that is structured to make engineers, with outdoor experience, available to supplement YOUR team, WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED.
Stress Outdoor® provides product innovation, development support, design optimization analysis, failure analysis and cost reduction/logistics services very broadly across the spectrum of outdoor activities. The primary categories of engineering support include:
The two key elements of the unique product innovation process at Stress Outdoor® are: 1) in-house industrial designers developing concepts and designs while imbedded in the engineering development process and 2) the elimination of trial & error/build & test prototype-based new product concept exploration.
The embedded industrial design approach, which leverages consumer insights, ensures that the creative process, critical to successful new product launches, is maintained throughout the development process.
Costly and time-consuming prototype-based exploration is replaced by the unique “design-by-analysis” process used by Stress Outdoor®. This approach leverages computer-based predictive engineering analysis and simulation such that product performance can be evaluated, understood and optimized while the designs are ‘still on paper.' Bad, non-performing product ideas are killed quickly while good ideas evolve rapidly, without creating prototypes. When a prototype is manufactured the focus is on confirmation of performance rather than discovery of the next problem requiring design iterations.