The combinations of axial and torsional forces working in concert imparted to a shooter during the shot more commonly described as “felt recoil” have been subject to much discussion and opinion by many. Depending on a rifle’s design and configuration, varying amounts of lift of the barrel, twist of the gun and force into the shoulder may be experienced. Other forces related to the shooting experience such as the engagement and disengagement of a bolt, the forces required to activate a trigger, the insertion force required to engage a magazine, the forces required to release a magazine to name a few, are of importance to the shooting experience as well.
The physics based approach that Stress Outdoor® follows recognizes that these forces can
be measured, quantified and
used as inputs to the design
process. With more than 45 years of advanced testing
experience, Stress Outdoor®
has a rich history of measuring
the forces on almost anything to
deliver data required to
understand what is actually
occurring and what needs to change.